I get a lot of people that ask how I find the whole ‘hostel thing’ and why I use them more than hotels. I actually LOVE this question and I love watching their response when I share the contrast of great and unpleasant experiences I have had in hostels around the world LOL! Some hostels can be fabulous and others are rather ‘hit and miss”… So I thought I would put my insights into a typical Rory Gilmore-pro-con list in the hopes it might help people when they are planning their trips (and yes I am obsessed Gilmore Girls fan at heart 🙂
Pros of Hostels
They have a very social atmosphere
If you are travelling solo it can be a good way to meet people and have someone to explore with…or even just grab a bite to eat.
Social activities on offer
A lot of hostels will have the option to be involved in some sort of pub crawl or bar related escapade which is great if you want to unwind, relax and have a few drinks.
Some hostels will even have good connections with tours for that city/region or be able to give good recommendations of sites to explore and activities you should do.
Most of the front desk staff will be in that 20-30s age bracket and be able to give decent recommendations for a night out on the town.
They can really help you to stretch your money further, especially if you are on a long trip (this is one of the main reasons I choose to stay in them as often as I do).

Cons of Hostels
Bathrooms are usually VERY small
Good luck trying to shave your legs properly (ok maybe I’m being slightly dramatic but not completely). And not to mention one must ALWAYS wear thongs (flip flops for any non Aussies out there) to protect your feet #preventionisbetterthancure folks!
Which brings me to my next point…
Carrying all your toiletries to the bathroom
Several times I have dropped one of my product bottles in the hallway and drawn attention to myself by creating a noise or trying to complete a juggling act. I have now developed a system where I wrap my bottles of cleansers, exfoliant, shampoo and conditioner along with soap, razor, toothbrush and paste etc in my towel and scoop them up in my arms like a forklift. This seems to do the trick, and you usually don’t have to go far (sidenote: This might sound silly but I’m not a fan of having a massive toiletry bag as it doesn’t usually fit well in my backpack and my product bottles normally have to be stored separately because of their size. Just thought I would clarify before people start assuming I’m a ‘hostel princess’ LOL!).
Deposit for a room key
Always needing to have 10 bucks in cash on you as a deposit for a room key (because apparently I look like I am going to run off with the key to a crowded dorm room). I sometimes forget this as I pay for everything on card #millenialmuch?!
Making calls
Having to go down to the common area to make a call so you don’t disturb your dorm mates. I am one of these people that likes making my phone calls/FaceTimes when I’m super comfy and curled up in bed…because given whatever time zone I’m calling to, it usually means I’m chatting late into the night or super early in the morning.
Can be more noisy if there is a buzzing bar or if you get that annoying person that will stomp around and put the light on after midnight. I haven’t really encountered this much but I know it can happen.
In many hostels you will either need to bring your own towel or hire/purchase one from reception. If you are staying a few nights it can be hard to get this to dry in the dorm during the day.
Space for luggage
Most hostels do not have much space under the beds or beside them to allow for everyone’s large bags. It is not ideal to squash your bag up against the wall or in a corner and have to bring it to the middle of the room when you need to open it and arrange your things. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating slightly but I have been in a few hostels where space was so tight it resembled the situation described above.
Keeping valuables secure
Not all hostels will have lockers and if they do you usually need to have your own lock. In a super basic establishment I choose to leave my laptop and valuables at reception if it is always attended to 24 hours a day (I feel safer doing this than leaving expensive items around people I don’t know in a backpack that doesn’t completely lock).
Usually no lift (elevator)
If I had a dollar for every time I have carried my luggage up the staircase to the third floor #weightsworkoutdonefortheday

Pros of Hotels
More space and privacy
Sometimes you just need a few days of quiet and to spread your things out…you know recharge, refocus and repack 🙂
Not having to share a bathroom
This is a big one for me.. It is really nice to not have to wait for a tiny window of time to jump in the shower before someone else beats you to it or dealing with a wet floor and no where to hang your clothes/having enough space to get dressed without dropping your clothes on a wet floor… or crashing into the side of the shower when trying to get dressed.
Better breakfast spreads 🙂
Whenever there is a great breakfast on offer in the place that I always fill up on this which means I don’t need as much during the day. This saves me time and money when I’m out exploring.
Extra towels and linens easily available
Ah! Fresh, clean towels and new sheets! This is always welcome and it is nice to have some creature comforts every now and then.
The convenience of having snacks right in front of you in the mini bar
I mean, who doesn’t love a good Toblerone or packet of nuts? #amiright? 🙂
More likely to have a restaurant and parking on site
This is particularly helpful if you are road tripping.
Some fancy hotels even have a pool/sauna/spa, even beauty treatments available (can anyone say #winningatlife haha)
Lifts (elevators)
No carrying heavy bags up several flights of stairs. And BONUS…sometimes hotel staff will take care of this for you…in a more fancy or higher end establishment.

Cons of Hotels
Can feel more lonely
If you are not travelling with a companion.
Meeting People
There isn’t really the same opportunity to meet people and make a friend/find someone to adventure with… like you can in the shared/common area of a hostel.
Can become quite expensive
Especially if travelling solo and there is no one to split the cost with. One of the reasons I don’t use them as much as I would like to.
Likely to have a much older crowd.

So which is best—you decide for yourself. We all have different preferences and travel styles. Personally I like using a combination, even though my thoughts above seem to favour hotels. I like giving myself a treat occasionally with a nice hotel room and private space , a big bed and no one sharing my bathroom. I also love to meet new people through hostels and even airbnb. I am also planning on trying out couch surfing this summer. Lastly, I’m all about the savings…more money to spend on those bucket list experiences, so usually hostels win for me. Alternatively you can look at getting a private room in a hostel so you are still saving money but at least get a bit of space and privacy.
What types of accommodation do you use when you travel? Drop me a comment below!

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