Travelling with friends can make for the most amazing trip and be a whole load of fun. Or it could result in frustration and a strained friendship, or even worse!
I have done many trips (some solo) but most of them I have had at least one friend me. Most of these have been fantastic! So many laughs, special moments shared and epic memories created. We still laugh about our antics and funny things that happened…nights out on the town, people we have met and those ‘how did this happen/had to be there’ kind of moments. I have also had challenging experiences with my chosen travel buddy where I questioned whether I could ever travel with them again. From these trips I have put together my top tips on travelling with friends:
Be clear about what each of your expectations are
What do you both want out of this trip? What are everyone’s interests? (plan to cater for all of these). Who will do the organising? Who will be responsible for the pre purchased tickets/vouchers. For example, do you want to see the same attractions? Does someone just want to party and meet people? Are you both ‘outdoorsy’ people. If you are hiring a car, who will do the driving or will you share?
If you are both clear on these before going on the trip, this will eliminate confusion and prevent disagreements. Example: You can’t really complain that your friend is not taking responsibility for arrangements and scheduling if you have this discussion beforehand and they say they aren’t really good at these things and you nominate yourself for this role.
#teamworkmakesthedreamwork π
At least have a rough plan
I know that a lot of people want to travel with an element of spontaneity about their destinations and adventures, both solo and with friends. That is all well and good but at least give yourself some rough guidelines. Examples:
*How are you getting from the airport to your accommodation? Is this booked and paid?
*If we have 5 days in this city what are the must see attractions we can’t leave without doing?
*Should we book a tour to see the main sites? Choose a day and time for this.
If you cover a few of these basics then you save yourselves from being two hopeless tourists, wandering aimlessly and staring at each other confused because neither one is taking the lead or you haven’t discussed what attractions are important to each other. Or worse, coming back without having truly experienced your destination. Chances are, if you get a brief overview on a walking tour you will both find things that you would like to do. You can work this into the daily plans accordingly.
Know what the other person thrives off
If you are travelling together, chances are you know this person relatively well. You know if they need to be super busy and have loads of people around to recharge (most extroverts love this). Others need to take a walk by themselves each morning or take a nap after a big travel day, rather than hit up the local bars on no sleep. Knowing each other’s needs eliminates the opportunities to get offended if the other doesn’t want to do something with you.
Every relationship needs give and take. Sure, you might not want to spend a whole day shopping but you know how much they love it and will have a great time. So go and spend the day watching them try on hundreds of outfits and helping carry their bags π But the next day they can do that crazy hike or surfing lesson you wanted to do, or follow you around that art gallery that excited you ( one that they find a little boring). This trip is about both of you, so make sure you both get to do things you love, and they are by your side to share it with you.
Allow space for ‘you time’
When you are in each other’s pockets all the time, you will need a bit of breathing space. Be considerate of this. I usually get mine (not that I need much because I am a major extrovert) by going for a morning run while my companion is either sleeping or getting ready for the day’s adventures.
Be kind and generous
Don’t squabble over a few dollars or splitting the small tip! I really believe it is important to not make money a point of frustration and disagreement. Sure, it is important for everyone to be pulling their weight and there are great apps for keeping track of how much money you spend on joint adventures. SplitWise is amazing and so easy to use!! But, sometimes it is nice just to buy them breakfast or pay for their entrance to that museum you know they really want to go to, but they might be on a tighter budget for the trip. Generosity goes a long way in life and it is great to do something for someone , just because π
Always speak well of them in public.
When in a group or around others, always speak with love and positivity. After all, they are your pal, you have their back and they have yours. If you have an issue bring it up calmly, respectfully and promptly (without others around). Don’t let it simmer.
Be a photographer
Take candid photos of them, take videos or shots while driving ..if you are the passenger. I once saw a meme that said “If your best friend doesn’t turn into a professional photographer ( a friend crouching down to get ‘the shot’) when you ask for a picture, is she even your best friend?!” Truer words have never been spoken! LOL! π
Recognise when to push them out of their comfort zone and when to hold back
You know how to read them. Be understanding of where they are at and what is going on for them; personally, mentally and emotionally. Sometimes they need just a little bit of encouragement to branch out and ride a rollercoaster or jump on that jetski even if they are scared. Other times they don’t need a push, they have made a firm decision and you get to respect that. When I was in Hawaii I was super pumped to go skydiving and I knew my friend was definitely not willing to join, so she just watched and took some pictures for me.
Be silly and have fun
Don’t take life too seriously. There is much fun to be had and your travel buddy is likely someone you can be yourself with.
“Live well, laugh often and love much” Bessie Anderson Stanley
I believe this phrase sums things up perfectly! Always focus on doing things with love and humour and you can’t really go wrong π
Being a little EXTRA, just because we can π

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